The following profile options are available in Order Management module:
The profile options are explained in detail.
Allow Changes In Contract In Contract Obligation: This profile option allows any type of change in a contract when the contract is under obligation term.
Current Values:
Yes: If this profile option value is set to 'Yes', then the system will allow changes in a contract when the contract is under obligation term.
No: If this profile option value is set to 'No', then the system will not allow any change in a contract that is under obligation term.
Default Value: Yes
Note: This
profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Allow PC Topup: This profile option allows the use of perpetual contracts for top-up for 24 online provisioning system.
Current Values:
Yes: If this profile option value is set to 'Yes', then the user will be allowed to topup with perpetual contracts.
No: If this profile option value is set to 'No', then the user will not be allowed to topup with perpetual contracts.
Default Value: No
Note: This
profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Allow Plan Downgrade On: This profile option is used to allow the plan downgrade from the next billing cycle.
Current Values:
Custom: If the profile option value is set to ‘Custom’ then the customer can select a date from which the plan downgrade is applicable.
Next Billing Cycle: If the profile option is set to ‘Next Billing Cycle’ then the plan downgrade process starts from the next billing cycle. For example if 4rth April is change order date, plan downgrade starts from 1st May.
Next Billing Frequency: If the profile option is set to ‘Next Billing Frequency’ then the plan downgrade starts from next billing cycle. For example if the plan is for 4rth April is change order date with billing frequency as 3months, plan downgrade starts from 1st July.
Selected Date: If the profile option is set to ‘Selected Date’ the plan downgrade starts from the day change order has been effective. For example if 4rth April is change order date, plan downgrade also starts from 4rth April.
Default Value: Selected Date.
Note: This
profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Allow Renew Contract: This profile option is used to renew contract from Addservice Order upload by passing contract number.
Current Values:
Yes: If this profile option value is set to 'Yes', then the contract will be renewed through Addservice Order upload. The contract number should be provided in the upload to renew the contract.
No: If this profile option value is set to 'No', then the contract will not be renewed through upload.
Default Value: No.
Note: This
profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Apply price change immediately: This profile option is set to effect the change in prices immediately. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values:
Y (YES): If this profile option value is set to "Y", then the change in price is effected immediately in billing .
N (NO): If this profile option value is set to "N", then the change in price is not effected immediately in billing. The price is applied in the next bill.
Default Value: No
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Auto Book Orders: This profile option is set to generate order numbers automatically at the time of contact booking or existing contract modification. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values:
Y (YES): If this profile option value is set to "Y" then system generates order number automatically whenever a new contract is booked or an existing contract is modified in Service Orders screen.
N (NO): If this profile option value is set to "N", then system does not generate order numbers automatically. You have to enter the order number manually in Order No. field whenever a new contract is booked or an existing contract is modified in the above screen.
Default Value: Y (Yes)
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Auto Generate Contract Number: This profile option is set to generate contract numbers automatically at the time of contract booking. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values:
Y (YES): If this profile option value is set to "Y" then system generates contract number automatically whenever a new contract is booked in Service Orders screen.
N (NO): If this profile option value is set to "N", then system does not generate contract numbers automatically. You have to enter the contract number manually in Contract No. field whenever a new contract is booked in the above screen.
Default Value: Y (Yes)
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Auto Generate Customer Number: This profile option is set to generate customer numbers automatically at the time of customer registration. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values:
Y (YES): If this profile option value is set to "Y" then system generates customer number automatically whenever a new customer is registered in Customer screen.
N (NO): If this profile option value is set to "N", then system does not generate customer numbers automatically. You have to enter the customer number manually in Customer No. field whenever a new customer is registered in the system.
Default Value: Y (Yes)
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Auto Generate Group ID: This profile option is set to generate the Group ID automatically at the time of customer registration. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values:
Y (YES): If this profile option value is set to "Y" then system generates Group ID automatically whenever a new parent is registered in Customer screen. The customer number generated is taken as the Group ID.
N (NO): If this profile option value is set to "N", then system generates the Group ID based on the logic in the custom procedure CUSTOM_GENERATECUSTOMERGROUPID.
Default Value: Y (Yes)
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Group ID is applicable for Parent Child relationships. Group ID is generated
if the Parent check box in Customer
screen is selected while registering a customer as parent.
Auto Generate One Time Sale Order Number: This profile option is set to generate sale order numbers automatically at the time of booking sale orders. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values:
Y (YES): If this profile option value is set to "Y" then system generates customer number automatically whenever a new sale order is booked in One Time Sale Order screen.
N (NO): If this profile option value is set to "N", then system does not generate sale order numbers automatically. You have to enter the sale order number manually in Sale Order Number field whenever a new sale order is booked.
Default Value: Y (Yes)
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Capture Hardware Details: This profile option is set to capture hardware item details at the time of contract booking in Service Order screen. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values:
Yes: If the profile option is set as "Yes" then "Hardware Details" grid appears in Service Order screen for capturing hardware item serial numbers at the time of contract booking.
No: If the profile option is set as "No" then no such grid appear in the above screen. In such case, user can not enter hardware details at the time of booking contracts having plans with hardware services.
Default Value: No
This profile option value can be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options
Capture Own Hardware Details In Order Booking: This profile option is set to capture customer owned hardware item details while booking a contract in Service Order screen.
Current Values:
Yes: Set the value to Yes to enable Customer Hardware Details grid in Service Order screen. This allows to capture own hardware item serial numbers while booking a contract.
No: Set the value to No to disable Customer Hardware Details grid.
Default Value: No
This profile option value can be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options
Capture Sale Hardware Details In Order Booking: This profile option is set to capture sale hardware item details while booking a contract in Service Order screen.
Current Values:
Yes: set the value to Yes to enable Sale Hardware grid in Service Order screen. This allows to capture sale hardware item serial numbers while booking a contract.
No: Set the value to No to disable Sale Hardware grid.
Default Value: No
This profile option value can be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options
Capture per unit price on order booking: This profile option is used to calculate price for outlets on booking or modifying an order through Add Contract or Modify Contract webservice respectively.
Current Values:
Yes: If this profile option value is set to 'Yes', then the price which is passed through webservice will be the individual outlet price. The total price is calculated by multiplying the price with the number of outlets.
No: If this profile option value is set to 'No', then the price passed will be the total price of the outlets.
Default Value: No.
Note: This
profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Collect Charge On Nice Number Reservation: This profile option is used to charge price for the reserved numbers for a customer.
Current Values:
Yes: Set the value to Yes to charge the customer for the numbers reserved.
No: Set the value to No to charge nothing for the numbers reserved by the customer.
Default Value: No
Note: This
profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Confirmation HTML: This profile option is used to display additional HTML content on the confrimation page to the Customer. The HTML page should be designed and placed in the deploy folder. This can be used to advertise after the customer is redirected to the confirmation page upon successful registration.
Current Value: In the 'Current Value' box, specify the html page, which should be displayed in the confirmation page.
Note: This profile option value
cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Contract Wise Community: This profile option is used to attach a customer based on a contract to a different community.
Current Values:
True: If the profile option value is set to True, the customer can be attached to a community for each contract
False: If the profile option value is set to False, the customer cannot be attached based on the contract. The customer is directly attached to a community.
Default Value: False
This profile option value can be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options
DC Pricing Screen Navigation: This profile option is used to navigate from DC service related screens to Product Pricing screen automatically when Price button is clicked.
Current Values:
Yes: Set the value to Yes to navigate from DC service related screens to Product Pricing screen.
No: Set the value to No to navigate from DC service related screens to DC pricing screen.
Default Value: No
Operating System, Server, Server Resource are DC service related screens.
This profile option value can be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options
Default Billing Frequency: This profile option is used to set the default value for billing frequency while booking new orders or modifying existing orders. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values: This profile option value can be set as One Month, 3 Months, 4 Months, 6 Months, 7 Months or 12 Months. You can select any of the above values to set it as default billing frequency in Service Order screen.
Default Value: NA
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Disconnect All Contract: This profile option is set to allow disconnection of all the available contracts for the customer through web service. Customer number is provided in the Request XML. The available contracts for the customer are disconnected. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values:
Yes: If the profile option is set as "Yes" then all the contracts can be disconnected for a customer. The customer number is provided in the Request XML. All the available contracts are disconnected for the specified customer.
No: If the profile option is set as "No" then contracts cannot be disconnected for a customer. The contract numbers which should be disconnected are given in the Request XML.
Default Value: No
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Disconnect On End Of Contract Obligation: This profile option is used to disconnect contracts that are under obligation term with the customer and which are near to expiry.
Current Values:
Yes: If this profile option value is set to 'Yes', then the contracts (which are under obligation term) will be disconnected after expiry.
No: If this profile option value is set to 'No', then the contracts will not be disconnected. The contract is extended and list price and new plan definition (newly added services) will be applied automatically from the day the term is completed
Default Value: Yes
Note: Auto
expiry job must be run continuously. This job picks the contracts that
are near to expiry and disconnects them if the Disconnect
On End Of Contract Obligation value is set to Yes. This profile option value cannot be overridden
by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Display Default Country Only in Primaryaddress: This profile option is used to display the default country while registering a customer.
Current Values:
Yes: If this profile option value is set to 'Yes', then only default country (the country specified in Default Country profile option) will be displayed in Country box in Customer Registration screen.
No: If this profile option value is set to 'No', then all the defined countries will be displayed while registering a customer.
Default Value: No.
Note: This
profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Edit Selfcare Contact Info: This profile option is required to allow a selfcare user to edit contact information from selfcare portal. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values:
Yes: If the profile option is set as "Yes" then the selfcare user can edit contact information like Home Phone, Mobile, and Email from selfcare portal.
No: If the profile option is set as "No" then the selfcare user cannot edit contact information like Home Phone, Mobile, and Email.
Default Value: NA
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Enable DC Service Headers: This profile option is required to to repeat the header for every server category in Data center order screen. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values:
Yes: Set this profile option to Yes to repeat the header for every server category .
No: Set the value to No to display only one header for all the server categories.
Default Value: Yes
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Enable Data Center Contract Validity: This profile option is required to enable/disable the Validity drop-down in Data Center Order screen. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values:
Yes: If the profile option is set as "Yes" then Validity drop-down is displayed in Data Center Order screen
No: If the profile option is set as "No" then Validity drop-down is disabled in Data Center Order screen.
Default Value: No
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Enable Multi Room: This profile option is used to enable or disable multi-room feature. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values:
Y (YES): The profile option value is set to "Y" to enable multi-room feature. In this case, No. of Rooms field appear in Service Order screen where you can enter number of additional rooms. You can also view Multi Room Pricing check box in Pricing screen where you can define pricing for total number of rooms available in the contract.
N (NO): If this profile option value is set to "N", then system does not support multi-room feature. In such case, you are allowed to book orders only for single room.
Default Value: N (NO)
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Enable Partner Search Priceplan: This profile option enables the option of including or excluding the priceplan for partners in Price Plan screen. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values:
Y: If the profile option value is set to "Y", then the All, Inclusive, and Exclusive appear in Partner panel of Price Plan screen.
N: If the profile option value is set to "N", then all the operational entities are displayed in Partner panel of Price Plan screen.
Default Value: N
This profile option value can be overridden
by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Enable Plan Services Display In Registration: This profile option is used to display services in a plan while registering a customer.
Current Values:
Y (Yes): If this profile option value is set to 'Y', then the services will be displayed in Available Plans grid in Registration screen while registering a customer.
N (No): If this profile option value is set to 'N', then the services in a plan will not be displayed while registering a customer through Registration screen.
Default Value: N.
Note: This
profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Enable Popup On Plan Exceeding (n) Services: This profile option is used to display services and service groups in a pop-up.
Current Value: In the 'Current Value' box, type the number. If the number of services and service groups exceeds the number specified in the current value box, the services and service groups are displayed in a pop-up in Service Order (New) screen and Selfcare portal's Book or Modify Order screen.
Note: This
profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Enable Prospect in Homes Passed: This profile option is used to enable Prospect link in Homes Passed screen.
Current Value:
Yes: Set the value to Yes to enable the prospect link.
No: Set the value to No to disable the prospect link.
Note: This
profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Enable Selfcare Topup: This profile option is required to allow a selfcare user to top up from selfcare.
Current Values:
Yes: If the profile option value is set to Yes then top up for self care users is enabled. In self care's Top Up screen, the top up plans will be displayed, and the Make Payment button is enabled.
No: If the profile option value is set to No then the selfcare user will not have the privilege to top up from selfcare. The available top-up plans for the plan are not displayed and the Make Payment button is disabled.
Default Value: NA
Note: This profile
option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Enable Simple Registration Wizard: This profile option is used to change the model of displaying customer details in Simple Registration screen. Simple Registration page supports Form Model and Wizard Model.
Form Model displays Customer details, Plan details, and Lease Hardware details. Whereas, Wizard Model displays the customer details in various sections such as Customer , Service Plans, Hardware Plans, and Summary.
In the Current Value box, set the value to Yes to capture the customer details based on Wizard Model in Simple Registration screen. You will see various sections such as Customer, Service Plans, Hardware Plans, and Summary displayed in the screen. Set the value to No to capture the customer details based on Form Model in Simple Registration screen.
Enable Technology Popup : This profile option is used to change the method of displaying technologies in Homes Passed screen.
Current Values:
True: If this profile option value is set to 'True', then the service technologies will be displayed in a pop up window. A hyperlink "Other Info" is displayed in Homes Passed screen. When u click on it, Technologies pop up window appears where you can select the technologies feasible.
False: If this profile option value is set to 'False', then the service technologies will be displayed in Technologies list box in Homes Passed screen.
Default Value: False.
Note: This
profile option value can be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Grace Period: This profile option is required to specify the grace period which can be given to the availed services of subscribers. Grace period is the period during which the service remains active even after the actual agreement expiry date is reached.
Current Values: Specify the period for which the service should remain active even after the actual agreement expires.
Default Value: 0
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Include contractinfo in GetCustomerinfo: This profile option is used to display contract information on processing Get Customer Info webservice.
Current Values:
Yes: If this profile option value is set to 'Yes', then the contract information will be displayed in the response xml on processing Get Customer Info webservice.
No: If this profile option value is set to 'No', then the contract information will not be displayed
Default Value: Yes
Note: This
profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Is Bulk: This profile option is used to enable or disable "Is Bulk" feature. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values:
Y (YES): The profile option value is set to "Y" to enable "Is Bulk" feature to book orders in bulk. This feature is required incase of operator/ reseller (in wholesale scenario) for the purpose of resale to the customers.
N (NO): If this profile option value is set to "N", then system does not support "Is Bulk" feature. In such case, you are allowed to book orders for individual customers (in retail scenario).
Default Value: N (NO)
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Is Expandable DC Service Categories : This profile option is used to expand all the services under a category of a service in Data Center Order screen.
Current Values:
Y (YES): The profile option value is set to "Y" to expand all the services under a category of a service .
N (NO): If this profile option value is set to "N"to expand only the first service under a category of a service .
Default Value: NO
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Is Navigate to Standing Instructions: This profile option is set to control screen navigation facility by which you can directly navigate from Service Order screen to Standing Order screen. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values:
TRUE: If the profile option is set as "TRUE" then by default "Do You Want Navigate to Standing Instruction" check box appear as selected in Service Order screen. In such case, the screen automatically navigates to Standing Instruction screen whenever an order is booked.
FALSE: If the profile option is set as "FALSE" then "Do You Want Navigate to Standing Instruction" check box does not appear as selected by default in Service Order screen. In such case, user should select this check box manually to navigate to Standing Instruction screen after booking the order.
Default Value: FALSE
This profile option value can be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options
Is Plan Selection Mandatory in Registration: This profile option is used to force the user to select plan for the customer during the process of customer registration.
Current Values:
Yes: If this profile option value is set to 'Yes', then the user will be forced to book a plan for the customer while registering the customer through Registration screen. This profile option is also applicable for Self Registration screen, where the customer is forced to select a plan before registering himself as a customer.
No: If this profile option value is set to 'No', then the user or the customer need not select a plan during the process of customer registration.
Default Value: No.
Note: This
profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Online Payment from Self Registration: This profile option is used to allow the customer to make online payment from self registration screen.
Current Values:
Yes: Set the value to Yes to allow the customer to navigate to Online Payment screen after reigstering as a customer through self registration screen.
No: Set the value to No. In this case, the customer is not allowed to navigate to Online Payment screen to make payment from self registration screen.
Default Value: No.
Note: This
profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Online Payment on Selfcare Order: This profile option allows the customer to make online payment after booking an order through Book or Modify Order screen from selfcare portal.
Current Values:
Yes: If this profile option value is set to 'Yes', then the customer will be navigated to Online Payment screen after booking an order through Book or Modify Order screen from selfcare portal.
No: If this profile option value is set to 'No', then the customer will not be allowed to make online payment after booking an order from selfcare portal.
Default Value: No.
Note: This
profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Outlets Required on Product: This profile option is required to enable the feature of outlets for the product. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values:
Yes: If the profile option value is set to Yes, then you can define the outlets for each plan in a service in Order screen.
No: If the profile option value is set to No, then you can define the outlets for the service only. You cannot define outlets for individual plans in the service
Default Value: No
Prerequisites: The profile option Enable Pricing Scheme value should be set to Yes to enable the feature of outlets.
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
If the profile option value is set to Yes, then Product Wise Outlets grid appears in Order screen.
If the profile option value is set to No, then No of Outlets field appears in Order screen.
Persist Adhoc Price Change: This profile option is used to apply the adhoc price for scenarios like change contract, disconnection etc.
Current Values:
Yes: If this profile option value is set to 'Yes', then the adhoc price will be applied.
No: If this profile option value is set to 'No', then the original price will be applied instead of adhoc price.
Default Value: No.
Note: This
profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Reconnect All Contract: This profile option is set to allow reconnection of all the available contracts for the customer through web service. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values:
Yes: If the profile option is set as "Yes" then all the contracts can be reconnected for a customer.
No: If the profile option is set as "No" then contracts cannot be reconnected for a customer.
Default Value: No
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Redirect on Confirmation: This profile option is used to redirect the customer to a confirmation page after successful registration through Self Registration screen.
Current Values:
Yes: If this profile option value is set to 'Yes', then the customer will be redirected to the confirmation page after registering through Self Registration screen.
No: If this profile option value is set to 'No', then the customer will not be redirected to the confirmation page after registering through Self Registration screen.
Default value: No.
Note: This
profile option value can be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Renew All Contract: This profile option is set to allow reconnection of all the available contracts for the customer through web service. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values:
Yes: If the profile option is set as "Yes" then all the contracts can be renewed for a customer.
No: If the profile option is set as "No" then contracts cannot be renewed for a customer.
Default Value: No
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Setup Different Contract for HW plans in simple registration: This profile option is set to specify contracts for both service plan and hardware plan. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values:
Yes: If the profile option is set as "Yes" then multiple contracts for both service plan and hardware plan are created.
No: If the profile option is set as "No" then a single contract for both service plan and hardware plan is created.
Default Value: No
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Show Basic and Add on Plans: This profile option is used to display basic plans and add on plans in separate tabs.
Current Values:
Yes: If this profile option value is set to 'Yes', then the basic plans and add on plans will be displayed in two different tabs called Basic Plans and Add On Plans respectively in Service Order (New) screen.
No: If this profile option value is set to 'No', then all the plans will be displayed in a single panel - List of Services in Service Order (New) screen.
Default Value: No.
Note: This profile option value
cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Show Plan Price in Order Booking: This profile option is used to display the price beside the plan in the Self Registration screen.
Current Values:
Yes:To display the price of the plan beside it in the Self Registration screen.
No: To disable the price of the plan.
Default Value: No.
Note: This profile option value
cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Show Plan Price in Shopping Cart: This profile option is used to display the plan name with defined price in pricing catalog in Service Order screen.
Current Values:
Yes: To display the plan name is displayed in bold font with defined price.
No: To display the plan name only if plan level price is defined.
Default Value: No.
Note: This profile option value
cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Show Basic and Add On Plans: This profile option is used to display basic plans and add on plans in separate tabs.
Current Values:
Yes: If this profile option value is set to 'Yes', then the basic plans and add on plans will be displayed in two different tabs called Basic Plans and Add On Plans respectively in Service Order (New) screen.
No: If this profile option value is set to 'No', then all the plans will be displayed in a single panel - List of Services in Service Order (New) screen.
Default Value: No.
Note: This profile option value
cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
True prepaid minimum balance: This profile option is used to set an amount. If a customer is a true prepaid customer, and books an order. Customer has to do a payment/credit note/credit JV with an amount greater than or equals to the amount set in this profile option.
Current Values: Specify any amount .
Default Value: 0
Note: This profile option value
cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Use Contract Period as Billing Frequency: This profile option considers contract period as billing frequency, when a contract with validity is booked.
Current Values:
Yes: If this profile option value is set to 'Yes', then the contract period will be considered as billing frequency
No: If this profile option value is set to 'No', then the default billing frequency is considered.
Default Value: No
Note: This profile option value
cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.