Customer Registration screen enables you to register a customer in the system by capturing a wide range of basic information. It screen also allows you to modify the customer details.
To register a customer:
Note: The fields available in this screen are configurable. Depending on the business requirement, you can add/remove fields in this screen to capture necessary details of a customer. Click here to view the configuration steps required for adding or removing fields in Customer screen.
On Order Management module, click Customer Registration.
Select the New check box against the Customer # box to capture new customer details. The New check box is selected, by default.
Category, Title, customer Type, and Individual/Organization from the
respective drop-downs.
: The categories defined in
Category screen
are displayed in category drop-down. The customer types defined in
Customer Type lookup code are displayed in Customer
Type drop-down.
Enter information like, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Company Name, Contact Name, Home Phone, Work Phone, Mobile, Fax, Email, and Alternative Email (if any) in the respective fields.
In the Operational Entity box, type or select the operational entity code under which the customer is booked. The Operational Entity field can either be a drop-down or search lookup based on the profile option "Enable Entity Search".
Select Currency of the customer from the drop-down. The currency codes defined in the Currency Code screen appear in the drop down.
Select Billing Media as Email or Paper. By default both are selected. The billing media defined in the Billing Media screen are displayed in the Customer Registration screen.
In the Nationality drop-down, select the nationality of the customer. The values defined in the Nationality screen appear in the drop-down.
In the UIN Type box, select the Unique Identification Number (UIN) type. The UIN Types are defined in UIN Type screen.
In the UIN box, provide the UIN value.
Enter Notes, if any.
In the Parent Child Information grid, provide the parent-child details.
For creating the customer as a parent, select the Parent check box..
To create customer as a child under a parent, enter Group ID. Else click the Search Lookup against the Group ID field. Enter the minimum required details in the searching fields and click the Search button. Enter the required details like First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Customer Type, Operational Entity, or Parent ID in the searching fields and click the Search button. The details appear in Parent Search pop up window. Select the required Group ID link from the Search Results list.
Select the Bill to Parent check box to generate the invoice to the parent account for the services used by the child customer.
In the Primary Address table you can view the default address and hierarchy. Enter Address and Postal Code. Select the customer's Area, Street, State and Country from the respective drop-downs. If the customer's address details do not appear in the respective drop-downs, then select the New link against each drop-downs. Enter the respective details in the pop up window and click the Save button. The entered details appear in the drop-down lists.
If the customer's primary address and billing address are same, then the primary address details appear in Billing Address table. If both the addresses are not same then clear the Use Primary Address check box and enter billing address details in Billing Address grid.
Click the Save button to create a new account. A customer number is generated automatically for the customer.
To modify an existing customer details:
Follow the steps to modify details for the registered customers.
On the Order Management module, click Customer.
Clear the New check box and enter the customer number whose details are to be modified. Else, click the Search Lookup against the Customer # field. Enter the minimum required details in the searching fields and click the Search button. Enter the minimum required details in the searching fields and click the Search button. The details appear in Lookup Search pop up window. Select the required Customer Number link from the Search Results list in Lookup Search pop up window.
can attach a file while modifying a customer. Click the attachment
link to attach a file for the customer.
Note: The attachment icon
appears only while modifying a customer. The allowed file formats
are defined in Attachment
File Type lookup code.
Modify the required details and click Save to apply the modifications.
To attach a document:
Click icon
to attach a document. The Attachments web page dialog box opens.
Click Browse against Attachment field to attach the file.
Enter the description of the file.
Click Attach to upload the file.
Repeat the process to attach another document.
Note: You can attach any number of documents.
To View/ Delete Attachments:
Click icon
to view the attached document. The Attachments web page dialog box
In the Attachments web page dialog box, you can view document details like File Name, Size (KB), Type, Date, and Description of the document appear.
Click File Name to view the document.
Click icon
against the document to delete the document.
Provision is given to capture user defined attributes while registering a customer.
You can set the default address and address hierarchies in the system in Address Template and Address Template Mapping screen.
The fields having * symbol are mandatory.
The fields available in this screen are configurable. Depending on the business requirement, you can add/remove fields in this screen to capture necessary details of a customer. Click here to view the configuration steps required for adding or removing fields in Customer screen.
Whenever a customer is registered, system generates a User Id and Password for the customer automatically. An Email is sent to the customer's Email Id communicating him about the auto-generated User Id and Password. The customer can enter this User Id and Password to login to the application as a Selfcare user.
Parent check box and Group ID fields are configurable.
Group ID generated is based on the profile option Auto Generate Group ID .