One Time Sale Order screen helps to generate sale orders for one time sale items. Multiple merchandised items can be ordered by a customer within a single sale order.
A user can book new orders and modify existing order details of a customer on behalf of the operational entity. Later, an authorized user having necessary privileges can modify, approve/cancel the sale order.
To generate one time sale order:
Note: The fields available in this screen are configurable. Depending on the business requirement, you can add/remove fields in this screen to capture necessary details at the time of booking sale orders. Click here to view the configuration steps required for adding or removing fields in One Time Sale screen.
On the Order Management module, click One Time Sale.
If you are capturing a new sale order, select the New check box against the Sale Order Number box. By default, the check box is selected.
Retrieve customer or operational entity details for whom you want to sell the hardware item. The corresponding details are displayed on the screen.
Note: Available credit balance is displayed
only for external operational entities when Is Visible check box is selected
in Layout screen.
Select Lease to Sale check box. If the Lease to Sale check box is selected, the hardware items which are given to the customer on rent are only displayed.
For sale to a customer:
Select operational entity from the drop-down.
Select Sale Order Date. By default it shows the current date.
In the Salesman Code drop-down, select the employee (Note: Salesman code is captured in order to calculate commissions based on the bookings made by a salesman).
Select Lease To Sale check box to sell the leased hardware items.
For sale to an operational entity:
Select inventory location and sub location from the respective drop-downs.
Select Sale Order Date. By default it shows the current date.
Select Approve check box to approve the sale.
In the Ordered Items table, click the Add link to add a new row. Select Sale Order Item to be ordered. Enter Plan Name, if the item is associated to any plan. The price of the respective item is displayed under Price column. You can enter new price in Override Price column, if required. Enter Ordered Quantity and Issue Quantity under respective columns.
For serialized items, click the Serial Numbers button to capture serial numbers in Capture Serial Numbers pop up window.
Click the Save button to save the sale order details and generate a sale order number. The sale order details are saved in the system with the status PENDING.
To approve or cancel the sale order details, enter Customer Number. Click the Search Lookup against Sale Order Number field. The sale order numbers appear in Lookup Search pop up window. Select the required Sale Order Number link for modification, or approval. The sale order details appear in the main window.
In the Ordered
Items table, click the edit symbol to modify
the quantities of items that are ordered and issued under the respective
columns. Click Update link
to update the modification.
Select the Approve or Cancel check box to approve or cancel the sale order respectively.
Click the Save button to approve the sale order. The sale order status becomes CONFIRMED after approval.
Click the Print button to print the sale transaction.
Multiple sale orders can be generated for a single customer.
Price should be defined in the system for each items before ordering.
The sale order modification is allowed only before approval.
Provision is there for secondary sale. You can sale an item to Operational Entity.
PPC items can not be combined with Non PPC items for sale.
Approve check box appears if the user does not have the privilege Auto Approve Customer Merchandise Order and .Auto Approve Operational Entity Merchandise Order