Debit adjustments can be done through Debit Note screen. The debit note can be given both to customers and operational entities . Depending on the requirement, you can generate debit note either towards Accounts or Charges. The account to which debit note is passed is debited.
Debit Note towards Accounts:
On the Billing module, click Debit Note.
Retrieve customer or operational entity details. The corresponding details appear on the screen.
Note: Available credit balance is displayed
only for external operational entities when Is Visible check box is selected
in Layout screen.
In the Towards drop-down, select Accounts to retrieve the account details
In the Adjustment Details grid, click the History link against a detail to view the previous adjustments, if any. The account adjustment history appears in a separate pop up window.
History pop up window displays adjustment history like, adjustment date, adjustment note number, credit adjustment or debit adjustment, adjustment type, reason and adjustment amount
For a new account level debit adjustment, in the Debit Note Date, enter the transaction date. The transaction date cannot be a future date.
In Adjustment Details grid, select From Date and To Date for which you want to generate debit note.
Note: Make sure that ‘Enable Period For Account Level Debit Note’ privilege is enabled to make ‘From Date’ and ‘To Date’ fields visible in Debit Note screen.
You can raise a debit note towards an open item bin at account level. Select Open Item Bin from the drop-down towards which debit adjustment should be raised.
In the Adjustment Value box, enter the adjustment amount. The adjustment happens only in Flat mode at account level.
Select Adjustment Type and Adjustment Reason from the respective drop-downs.
Enter notes, if any.
Click the Staging button to save the details to in staging area for a temporary period. A debit note number is generated. You can view and approve the debit notes saved in staging in Pending Credit/Debit Notes screen.
Click the Save button to directly approve the debit adjustment details without staging. A debit note number is generated. The adjustment details can be seen in View Credit/Debit Notes screen.
Debit Note at Charges Level:
On the Billing module, click Debit Note.
Retrieve customer or operational entity details. The corresponding details appear on the screen.
Note: Available credit balance is displayed
only for external operational entities when Is Visible check box is selected
in Layout screen.
In the Towards drop-down, select Charges to retrieve details at charge level.
Enter dates in From Date and To Date fields and click the Search button to view charge details for the selected period.
To generate a new charge level debit adjustment, enter Transaction Date. The transaction date cannot be a future date.
In the Past Charges grid, select the radio button against a charge from the available charges list.
In the Adjustment Details grid, select category of adjustment as Flat or Percentage from the given drop-down.
Select Adjustment Type and Adjustment Reason from the drop-down.
For category as Flat, enter the adjustment amount directly in Adjustment Value box.
For category as percentage, enter the percentage in adjustment value box. After the adjustment value is entered, the system calculates the adjustment amount and tax (if any tax is mapped to the charge component) on the adjustment amount. In the Adjustment Tax box and the Adjustment Charge box , the calculated tax amount and the adjustment amount are displayed respectively.
Enter notes, if any.
Click the Staging button to save the details to staging area for a temporary period. A debit note number is generated. The debit note details saved in staging and can be seen in Pending Credit/Debit Notes screen.
Click the Save button to directly approve the debit adjustment details. A debit note number is generated. The adjustment details can be seen in View Credit/Debit Notes screen.
Adjustment types should be defined in Adjustment Code screen.
By default, transaction date is value date if value date feature is enabled. Else, system date is displayed. You cannot post a transaction on other dates other than the value date and system date if value date feature is enabled.
Provision is given to capture user defined attributes for Credit Note screen. You can define the flex attributes through Flex Table Attributes screen.