View Credit/Debit Note screen retrieves and displays the existing credit note or debit note records that are approved. You can extract credit/debit note either customer wise or operational entity wise .
To view approved credit/debit notes:
On the Billing module, click View Credit/Debit Notes.
Retrieve customer or operational entity details. The corresponding details appear on the screen.
Note: Available credit balance is displayed
only for external operational entities when Is Visible check box is selected
in Layout screen.
Enter dates in From Date and To Date fields to retrieve adjustment details specific to the selected period. You can also enter Document number to retrieve the adjustment details specific to the document number.
Click the Search button to view the list of approved credit/debit note numbers along with details like Note Number, Note Date, Charge Description, Invoice Number, Adjustment Level, Adjustment Type, Adjustment Reason, Note Type, and Adjustment Amount.
Click any of the Note Number link to view the respective credit/debit note details in a pop up window.
Click the Print link against any credit/debit note number under Action column to generate a printed output of the corresponding credit/debit note.