The following profile options are available in Application System module:
The profile options are explained in detail.
Allow Lowercase Alphabets in Password : This profile option is used to force the user to use lowercase alphabets in password. For example, if the profile option value is set to 'Yes' then the password must contain at least one lowercase alphabet.
Current Values:
Yes: If this profile option value is set to 'Yes' then the user is forced to use lowercase alphabets in password.
No: If this profile option value is set to 'No' then the user is restricted for using lowercase alphabets in password.
Default Value: No.
This profile option value cannot be
overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Allow Multi Browser: This profile option is used to enable/disable the feature of accessing the application in multiple browsers with the same User ID.
Current Values:
Yes: If this profile option value is set to 'Yes' then the user is allowed to access the application in multiple browsers.
No: If this profile option value is set to 'No' then the first browser's session logs out, when the user logs into the application in another browser with the same user id.
Default Value: Yes
Note: This profile option value
cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Allow Numerics in Password: This profile option is used to force the user to use numbers in password. For example, if the profile option value is set to Yes then the password must contain at least one numeric.
Current Values:
Yes: If this profile option value is set to 'Yes' then the user is forced to use numbers in password.
No: If this profile option value is set to 'No' then the user is restricted for using numbers in password.
Default Value: Yes
Note: This profile option value
cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Allow User Id in Password: This profile option is set to restrict user to use User Id in password. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values:
Y (Yes): If this profile option value is set to "Y" then you can enter User Id in password.
N (No): If this profile option value is set to "N", then password cannot contain User Id.
Default Value: Y
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Allowable IP to Access Application: This profile option is used to specify the IP address or a range of IP addresses from which the user should access the application. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values: Specify the IP address or the range of IP addresses.
Default Value: (Local Host address)
Note: This profile
option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Allowed Special Characters in Password: This profile option is used to force the user to use special characters in password. For example, if @#$ characters are mentioned in the current value box, the password should contain at least one of these characters.
Current Values: In 'Current Value' box, Specify the special characters that should be allowed in password. Following are the special characters that are allowed
" # $ % & ( ) * + , - . / :; = @ [ \ ] _ { | }
Note: This profile option value
cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Allow Uppercase Alphabets in Password: This profile option is used to force the user to use uppercase alphabets in password. For example, if the profile option value is set to Yes, the password must contain at least one uppercase alphabet.
Current Values:
Yes: If this profile option value is set to 'Yes' then the user is forced to use uppercase alphabets in password.
No: If this profile option value is set to 'No' then the user is restricted for using uppercase alphabets in password.
Default Value: No.
Note: This profile option value
cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Current Values: The version of the application is displayed in the drop-down.
Default Value: The version of the application is displayed. For example:
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Apply Password Policy: This profile option enables you to allow the user to follow password policy rules.
Current Values:
Yes: If the profile option value is set to Yes, the customer should abide to the password policy rules while providing the password.
No: If the profile option value is set to No, the customer need not follow the password policy rules.
Default Value: No
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Attachments Path: This profile option is required to set the document path where the documents after being uploaded are stored. The uploaded documents are picked from the specified path given in this profile option and attached to the corresponding process. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values: You can enter any path to store the uploaded documents.
Default Value: Attachments
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Auto Approve: This profile option is set to enable/disable implicit approval feature. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values:
YES: If this profile option value is set to "Y" then Approve check box does not appear in any screen in the application. All the transactions performed are approved automatically without moving to the staging area for further approval, whenever Save button is clicked. In this case, transaction approval happens implicitly.
NO: If this profile option value is set to "N", then Approve check box appear in the required screens. Authorized user (having necessary privilege to approve the transactions) has to select Approve check box to approve the transactions, without which the corresponding transaction moves to staging area for further approval. In this case, transaction approval happens explicitly.
Default Value: Yes
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Balance Display Format: This profile option is used to set the display format of the customer or operational entity's balance.
Current Values:
CURR AMT CRDR: The balance is displayed as Currency Amount Credit or Debit.
Example: Rs. 530.70 Cr for credit balance and Rs.2,290.68 for debit balance.
CURR AMT (CR): For this value the balance is displayed as Currency Amount (Credit) for credit balance and Currency Amount Debit for debit balance.
Example: Rs. 530.70 (Cr) for credit balance. Rs. 2,290.68 Dr for debit balance.
(CURR AMT): For this value the balance is displayed as (Currency Amount) for credit balance and Currency Amount for debit balance.
Example: (Rs. 530.70) for credit balance. Rs. 2,290.68 for debit balance.
-AMT CURR: For this value, the balance is displayed as -Amount Currency for credit balance and Amount Currency for debit balance.
Example: -530.70 Rs. for credit balance, 2,290.68 Rs. for debit balance.
CURR -AMT: For this value, the balance is displayed as Currency -Amount for credit balance and Currency Amount for debit balance.
Example: Rs. -530.70 for credit balance and Rs. 2,290.68 for debit balance.
Default Value: CURR AMT CRDR
This profile option value can be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options
Change Password Duration: This profile option is used to specify the period for which the password must not be changed.
Current Value: In 'Current Value' box, specify the duration (in days) for which the password must not be changed.
Default Value: 0.
Note: This
profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Change Password Intimation Period: This profile option is used to set the period for which the customer or the user should be intimated regarding the password expiry. For example, if the PasswordExpiryPeriod profile option value is set to 30 days and ChangePasswordInitimatinPeriod value is set to 7 days, the system verifies whether the password is expired each time the user logs in. If the difference falls in the intimation period then it displays an alert as "Password is going to expire in 7 days". After the password is expired, the screen automatically redirects to change password screen.
Current Value: Specify the period for which the customer should be intimated about the password expiry.
Default Value: 7
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Change Password on Reset: This profile option is set to redirect the user to change password screen if the user's password is reset through User Self-Care screen.
Current Values:
Yes: If the profile option value is set to Yes, and if the user's password is reset using User Self-Care screen, a mail is sent to the user intimating the new password. When the user logs in to the application using the new password, the screen is automatically redirected to Change Password screen, where the user is forced to change the password.
No: If the profile option value is set to No, the user can login and continue with the new password which is intimated through an e-mail. The user is not forced to change the password.
Default Value: No
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Clear Customer Session: This profile option is used to clear the customer relevant data from the session when user navigates from customer page (wherever customer number is applicable) to non-customer (Masters) based page.
Current Values:
Y (Yes): This profile option value is set to 'Y' to clear the customer data, when the user navigates from customer page to non-customer (masters) page.
N (No): If this profile option value is set to 'N' then the customer data is not cleared though the user navigates to master pages from customer pages.
Default Value: N.
Note: This
profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Configure Top (N) /Least (N) for Orders Dashboards: This profile option is used to define the count for displaying the top and least report data in dashboard.
Current Values: In the Current Value box, enter a numeric value based upon the number of top and least report data that you want to view in the dashboard.
Default Value: 10
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Copy Right Logo: This profile option is used to set the copy right which is displayed at the footer section of the SOA report. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values: Specify the path of the logo which you want to display in the footer section of the SOA report.
Default Value: NA
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Create Partner for Entity: This profile option is required to allow the user to create Operational Entity as a Partner. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values:
Yes: If the profile option value is set to "Yes", the Create Partner check box is visible in Operational Entity screen. User will be able to create operational entity as a partner.
No: If the profile option value is set to "No", the Create Partner check box is not visible in Operational Entity screen. User will not be able to create operational entity as partner.
Default Value: No
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Customer Portal Copy Right: This profile option is used to set the copy right of the selfcare portal. For this option, you can set the following values.
Current Values:
MQSUBSCRIBE: If the profile option value is set to "MQSUBSCRIBE", copy right of Billing & CRM solution is displayed at the bottom of the application.
EVAPT: If the profile option value is set to "EVAPT", copy right of eVapt is displayed at the bottom of the application.
OTHERS: If the profile option value is set to "OTHERS", you can set a custom copy right. The copy right can be set in COPY_RIGHT table.
Default Value: MQSUBSCRIBE
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Date Format: This profile option is used to set default date format in the system. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values: The date format can be set as dd-MM-yyyy, MM-dd-yyyy, dd/MM/yyyy, or MM/dd/yyyy. The date format you select appears as default format wherever Date fields are used in the application. You also have to follow the same format at the time of entering dates into the application.
Default Value: dd-MM-yyyy
This profile option value can be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options
Default Country: This profile option is used to set default country in the system. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values: The default country can be set as India, United States, or United Kingdom. The country you select appears as default wherever country fields are used in the application. Depending on the selected country, the corresponding address template is visible wherever address is required to be captured.
If no value is set, then country field appears as blank.
Default Value: NA
This profile option value can be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options
Default Currency: This profile option is used to set default currency in the system. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values: The default currency can be set as Rupees or US Dollars. The currency you select appears as default wherever currency fields are used in the application. If no value is set, then currency field appears as blank.
Default Value: NA
This profile option value can be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options
Default Date Range: This profile option is used to set default date range for search details for all the applicable screens.
Current Value: In 'Current Value' box, specify the number that you want to set as the default date range.
Note: The default date range specified
in this profile option is applicable only if the Is Overridable check
box is not selected for the particular screen in Default Date Range screen.
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Default Language: This profile option is used to set default language in the system. The system supports the following languages.
Current Values: The default language can be set as English or Spanish. Depending on the requirement user can select any of the above languages to view the application is in the corresponding language.
Default Value: NA
This profile option value can be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options
Current Values: Enter the module number
Default Value: 6
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Disable Selfcare Password Policy : This profile option is used to apply different password policy rules for selfcare user and application user password.
Current Values:
Yes: If this profile option value is set to 'Yes' then different password policy rules will be applied to selfcare user and application user password . The password policy rules for selfcare user are taken from the custom logic provided in the CUSTOM_VERIFYSELFCAREPWDPOLICY custom procedure.
No: If this profile option value is set to 'No' then the password policy rules will be same for both selfcare user and application user password. This is based on the different profile options available in the application.
Default Value: No.
Note: This
profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Documents Path : Use Documents Path profile option to set the document path. The uploaded documents are stored in this path. The documents are picked from this path and attached to the corresponding process.
In the Current Value box, specify the path where the uploaded documents should reside.
Default Value: C:\Attachments
Note: This
profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Embed Double Quotes for SQL Report: This profile option is used to show the total content in a single column even though the content is separated by a comma for CSV reports.
Current Values:
Yes: If this profile option value is set to 'Yes', then the total content is showed in a single column though the content is separated by a comma. Each column is enclosed in quotation marks.
No: If this profile option value is set to 'No' and if the comma is present in the content then the system treats it as a new column.
Default Value: No.
Note: This
profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Enable Address Elements Search: This profile option enables you to search for address elements in Primary Address and Billing Address panel in Customer screen. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values:
Yes: If the
profile option value is set to Yes, then the search icon
is displayed in the address panel. You can search for City, Street, Area,
and State by clicking the search icon against the respective address element
No: If the
profile option value is set to No, then the search icon
is not displayed and you cannot search for address elements.
Default Value: No
This profile option value can be overridden
by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Enable Default Search: This profile option enables the application to display records by default in search pop up window even though search criteria is not specified. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values:
Yes: If the profile option value is set to Yes, then records are displayed by default in search pop up windows.
No: If the profile option value is set to No, then the user has to specify values in the search criteria and then the results are displayed. Results are not displayed by default.
Default Value: Yes
This profile option value cannot be
overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User
Profile Options screen.
Enable Entity Search: This profile option provides search option and facilitate the user to search for entities in the following fields available in the corresponding screens:
- Operational Entity field in Customer screen
- Business Entity field in Assign Tickets screen
- Entity field in Service Team screen
- Received By field in Receipt on Requisition Note screen
- Entity field in Receipt on Return Voucher screen
- Operational Entity field in Stock Details screen
- Requestor field in Material Requisition Note screen
- Entity Name field in Material Return Voucher screen
- Operational Entity field in Collections screen
- Collecting Entity field in New Payment screen
For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values:
YES: If this profile option value is set to "Yes" then a search option is displayed against the above fields in the corresponding screens. When user clicks the search look up option, Entity pop up window appears. To search for an entity, user has to enter the data or initials in the given field and click the Search button. The list of entities along with the corresponding details appears in the pop up screen. Click the required Entity Code link to view the entity name in the main window.
NO: If this profile option value is set to "N", then search option is not displayed in the above screens and user has to select entity name from the drop-down list manually.
Default Value: No
This profile option value can be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options
Enable Entity Search Priceplan: This profile option enables the option of including or excluding the priceplan for entities in Price Plan screen. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values:
Y: If the profile option value is set to Y, then the All, Inclusive, and Exclusive appear in Operational Entity panel of Price Plan screen.
N: If the profile option value is set to N, then all the operational entities are displayed in Operational Entity panel of Price Plan screen.
Default Value: N
This profile option value can be overridden
by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Enable Forgot Password: This profile option is used to provide provision of password recovery for Sure users.
Current Values:
Y: If the profile option value is set to Y, a "Forgot Password" link is displayed in the login page of Sure users. User must enter the valid Username and then click "Forgot Password" link.
N: If the profile option value is set to N, no link is displayed.
Default Value: N
This profile option value can be overridden
by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Enable Forgot Password For Selfcare: This profile option is used to provide provision of password recovery for Selfcare users.
Current Values:
Y: If the profile option value is set to Yes, a "Forgot Password" link is displayed in the login page of Selfcare users. User must enter the valid Username and then click "Forgot Password" link.
N: If the profile option value is set to No, no link is displayed.
Default Value: No
This profile option value can be overridden
by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Enable OTP: This profile option is used to enable One Time Password (OTP) security option to authenticate the "forgot password" request from the user.
Current Values:
Y: If the profile option value is set to Yes, OTP is enabled. For security reasons, system sends a OTP.
N: If the profile option value is set to No, OTP is disabled.
Default Value: No
This profile option value can be overridden
by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Enable IP Based Login: This profile option allows you to authenticate the users to access the application based on the IP. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values:
Y: If the profile option value is set to Y, then IP based authentication is enabled. The IP Address field is displayed in User screen, in which you can specify an IP or a range of IP's that should be allowed to access the application.
N: If the profile option value is set to N, then IP based authentication is disabled.
Default Value: N
Enable Payment Allocation Reversal: This profile option is used to allow payment allocation reversal for the payments done towards an invoice.
Current Values:
Yes: If the profile option value is set to "Yes", the cancellation of a payment (payment done towards invoice) results in updating the invoice amount. No separate JV is raised.
Example: A payment of Rs.100 is done towards an invoice of Rs.500. After doing the payment, the invoice amount will be Rs.400. The payment of Rs.100 is cancelled. After the payment is cancelled, the invoice amount is automatically updated to Rs.500.
No: If the profile option value is set to "No", the cancellation of a payment (payment done towards an invoice) results in raising a JV for the cancelled amount.
Example: A payment of Rs.100 is done towards an invoice of Rs.500. After doing the payment, the invoice amount will be Rs.400. The payment of Rs.100 is cancelled. After the payment is cancelled, a separate JV is raised for the cancelled amount Rs.100. The invoice amount remains the same Rs.400.
Default Value: No.
Note: This profile option value
can be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Enable Selfcare Auto Login: This profile option allows the selfcare user to login automatically to selfcare from service provider portal. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values:
Y: If the profile option value is set to "Y", then the selfcare user can automatically login to MQSubscribe selfcare by clicking the selfcare link from service provider portal. User need not provide User Name and Password to login to selfcare.
N: If the profile option value is set to "N", then the selfcare user should provide the User Name and Password to login to selfcare.
Default Value: N
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User
Profile Options screen.
Enable Unification: This profile option is used to allow the user to navigate to 4x application from 5x application.
Current Values:
Yes: If this profile option value is set to 'Yes, then the hyperlink is displayed, which will help the user to navigate to 4x from 5x screens.
No: If this profile option value is set to 'No', then the hyperlinks will not be displayed and you cannot navigate to 4x from 5x screens.
Default Value: No.
Note: This
profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Exclude List in Password: This profile option is used to restrict the user from using the characters, integers, or special characters, which are specified in the profile option value in the user's password.
Current Values: In the 'Current Value' box, specify the values that the user should not use in the password.
Note: This
profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Extend IE drop-down: This profile option is used to extend the drop-down for Internet Explorer based on the values in the drop-down.
Current Values:
Yes: If the profile option value is set to Yes, the length of the drop-downs are extended according with the values available in the drop-down.
No: If the profile option value is set to No, the length of the drop-down is not changed.
Default Value: Yes
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User
Profile Options screen.
Has Separate Customer Care: This profile option is required to enable customer care module as a separate application.
Current Values:
Y: If the profile option value is set to (Y)es, the customer care module can be configured as a separate application.
N: If the profile option value is set to (N)o, the customer care module is present in the MQSubscribe application and cannot be configured a separate application.
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User
Profile Options screen.
Home Page: This profile option is used to set the default home page for all the users. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values: In Current Value drop-down, select the screen name. The selected screen is the home page that appears after the user logs in to the application.
Default Value: NA
This profile option value can be overridden
by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
html file path: This profile option is used to set the location where the Sure html file is generated.
Current Values: In the Current Value box, enter the value as "UNICODE" to enable multi language.
Default Value: C:\578.
This profile option value can be overridden
by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Include List in Password: This profile option is used to force the user to use the characters, integers, or special characters, which are specified in the profile option value in the user's password.
Current Value: In the Current Value box, specify the values that the user must use in the password.
Note: This
profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Integration File Folder Path: This profile option is used to specify the path of the folder where the files reside. These files are picked by the Import Data job to execute.
Current Value: In the 'Current Value' box, specify the path.
Note: This
profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Is data warehouse required: This profile option is used to enable the data warehouse feature in the application.
Current Values:
Yes: This profile option value is set to 'Yes' to enable the Data Warehouse feature.
No: This profile option value is set to 'No' to disable the Data Warehouse Feature.
Default Value: No.
Note: This
profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Is External Authentication Required: This profile option is used to do authentication on the external system.
Current Values:
Yes: This profile option value is set to 'Yes' to create user , to authenticate the user, to change password, and to check user availability in both external system and the application.
No: This profile option value is set to 'No' to create user, to authenticate the user, to change password, and to check user availability in the application.
Default Value: No.
Note: This
profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Is Horizontal Menu: This profile option is used to change the menu display style in self care portal.
Current Values:
Yes: If this profile option value is set to 'Yes', then the self care menu will be displayed horizontally.
No: If this profile option value is set to 'No', then the self care menu will be displayed vertically.
Default Value: No.
Note: This
profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Is Login SSL Enabled: This profile option allows the service provider to make the log in and log out pages secured (https).
Current Values:
Yes: This profile option value is set to 'Yes' to make the log in and log out pages secured (https).
No: If this profile option value is set to 'No', then the pages are not secured (http).
Default Value: No.
Note: To use this profile option,
the SSL certificate should be available with the service provider. This profile option value
cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Is QOS Applicable: This profile option is used to allow the selfcare user to change QOS (Quality Of Service) from selfcare portal. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Value:
Y: If the profile option value is set to "Y", the selfcare user can change the QOS from selfcare portal.
N: If the profile option value is set to "N", the selfcare user cannot change the QOS from selfcare portal.
Default Value: 0
This profile option value can be overridden
by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Current Value: In 'Current Value' text box, specify the client ID name which allows the client to view the license policy.
Note: This profile option value
cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
License File Path: This profile option is used to specify the path where current values of license file should be stored.
Current Value: In 'Current Value' text box, specify the desired unique path to update the current values of license file (Ex: C:\License File).
This profile option value cannot be
overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Lock Duration: This profile option is used to set the duration for which the account should be locked. If the user tries to log in to the application and fails due to wrong password, the account gets locked. The user will not be able to log in to the application for a specific time (lock duration) even if he enters the correct password after the login attempts. The login attempts is provided in Lock Count profile option.
Current Value: Specify the duration for which the account should be locked after the user crosses the number of login attempts.
Default Value: 30 mins
This profile option value can be overridden
by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Lock Count: This profile option is used to set the number of attempts a user is allowed to login to the application. After the user crosses the number of attempts, the system automatically locks the user.
Current Value: Specify the number of attempts a user can login to the application with wrong password before the account is locked.
Default Value: NA
This profile option value can be overridden
by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Log Level: By default, in Neo Log file of system32, the error is logged whenever an error occurs in the API transaction. This parameter consists of 4 levels. Each level represents a value of the parameter. Depending on the parameter value, level wise error log is maintained. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Value: Select log level as 0 or 1 or 2 or 3 from the drop-down.
Default Value: 0
This profile option value can be overridden
by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Log Path: Log files are stored in the path specified in this profile option. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values: You can enter any path to store bulk uploaded files. The folder path must be on the same machine (for example: C:\Logs).
Default Value: NA
This profile option value cannot be
overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User
Profile Options screen.
Max Search Count: This profile option allows you to set the limit for search results. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values: You can enter any numeric value.
Default Value: 100
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Max Attachment File Size: This profile option is required to set the maximum document size allowed to be attached with a process. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values: You can enter any size for file attachment.
Default Value: 500 KB
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
MQS CustomerCare URL: This profile option is required to set the MQSubscribe Customer Care URL if customer care module is configured as a separate application. The profile option has significance if the value of Has Separate Customer Care is set to Y.
Current Value: Provide the MQSubscribe Customer Care URL.
Default Value: NA
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
MQS URL: This profile option is required to set the MQSubscribe Application URL. This profile option is used for Independent Customer Care feature. If the "Has Separate Customer Care" profile option value is set to Y, the MQS URL profile option has significance.
Current Values: Provide the MQSubscribe URL.
Default Value: NA
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
No. Of Distinct Character Groups in Password: This profile option allows you to configure the number of character groups in password. Based on the configuration, the system will validate the created password. The available character groups are
Lower Case Alphabets in Password
Upper Case Alphabets in Password
Special Characters in Password
Numeric in Password.
Current Value: In the 'Current Value' box, select the value. Based on the selected value, the system validates the password. For example, if the value selected is 3, the password must contain a combination of three character groups.
Note: This
profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
No. Of Security Questions on Forgot Password: This profile option allows you to enable security questions when user forgets the password.
Current Value: Enter a numeric value. If you have entered 3, it displays 3 security questions when a user requests for a forgot password using "Forgot Password" link.
Default Value: 2
Note: This
profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
No. Of Security Questions on Login: This profile option allows you to enable security questions for first-time logged in users.
Current Value: Set a numeric value to define the number of questions that must be displayed for the first-time logged in users.
Default Value: 5
Note: This
profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
OTP Communication Mode: This profile option allows you to select a communication mode through which OTP can be sent to the user.
Current Value:
Email: OTP will be sent through Email.
SMS: OTP will be sent through SMS.
Default Value: SMS
Note: This
profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
OTP Expiry Period(Min): This profile option allows you to set a time in minutes during which OTP would be acceptable.
Current Value: Set the time in minutes.
Default Value: 15
Note: This
profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
OTP Form MailId: This profile option allows you to define a MailId from which OTP has to be sent to the user.
Current Value: Define a Mailid
Default Value:
Note: This
profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
On MQConsole stop-From MailId: This profile option is required to set the mail-id from which the mail should be sent when MQSuperScheduler services are stopped. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values: Type the mail-id from which you want to send the mail.
Default Value: NA
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
On MQConsole stop-To MailId: This profile option is required to set the mail-id to which the mail should be sent when MQSuperScheduler services are stopped. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values: Type the mail-id to which you want to send the mail.
Default Value: NA
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Current Values:
Top: If this profile option value is set to 'Top', then the pagination will be displayed at top of the web page.
Bottom: If this profile option value is set to 'Bottom', then the pagination will be displayed at bottom of the web page.
Note: This
profile option value can be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Password Change on First Logon: This profile option is required to redirect the user to change password screen where the user is forced to change the password; when the user logs in for the first time.
Current Values:
Yes: If the profile option value is set to Yes, when the user logs in to the application for the first time, the page is redirected to change password screen and the user is forced to change the password.
No: If the profile option value is set to No, when the user logs in to the application for the first time, the home page appears. The user need not change the password.
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Password Expiry Period: This profile option is required to set the expiry period of the user password.
Current Values: Specify the number of days in which the password should expire.
Default Value: 30 days.
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Password Maximum Length: This profile option is used to specify maximum length of the password to gain authentication in MQSubscribe.
Current Values: You can enter any digit for password maximum length. But the password length cannot exceed the entered value.
Default Value: 12
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Password Minimum Length: This profile option is used to specify minimum length of the password to gain authentication in MQSubscribe.
Current Values: You can enter any digit for password minimum length. But the password length cannot be less than the entered value.
Default Value: 6
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Current Values: The phone format can be set as (XXX)XXX-XXXX or XXX-XXX-XXXX. Both the phone formats include Country Code followed by Area Code and Phone Number.
For example: if a customer phone number is 0401234567, then you have to enter the number in following ways:
- incase of (XXX)XXX-XXXX format, enter the number as (040)123-4567
- incase of XXX-XXX-XXXX format, enter the number as 040-123-4567
The phone format you select appears as default format wherever Phone Number field are used in the application. You also have to follow the same format at the time of entering phone numbers into the application.
Default Value: NA
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Previous Password Selection: This profile option is used to restrict the user to repeat same password from the previous selections whenever it is changed. This profile option value is set in numbers. Through this value you set the previous selection counts and check whether the selected password exists in the previous selections or not.
Current Values: You can enter any number for checking previous passwords. But you cannot repeat the passwords upto that many selections at the time of password change.
Default Value: 0, which means the previous password can be given again at the time of password change.
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Purging File Path: This profile option is used to specify the path where the purged data will be stored. Purged data is the non-functional data such as log files, audit files etc.
Current Value: Specify the file path to store the archived data.
Example: d:/Purge Files
Records Per Page: This profile option is required to set the number of records to be displayed in a page. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values: You can enter any number of records to be displayed in a page.
Default Value: 10
This profile option value can be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options
Report Logo: This profile option is used to set the logo which is displayed in the header section of the SOA report. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values: Specify the path of the logo which you want to display in the header section of the SOA report.
Default Value: NA
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Retry Duration: This profile option is used to set the duration for the login trials. After this duration the trial count is reset to zero. If the count is equal to the value set in Lock Count, the User ID would be locked.
Current Value: In the 'Current Value' box, specify the duration in minutes.
Note: This
profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Current Value:
UNICODE: Current value is set to enable multi language for CSV reports. The reports are generated in UNICODE format.
ASCII: Current value is set to generate reports in ASCII format. Multi language is not supported if the profile option value is set to ASCII.
Default Value: ASCII
Note: This
profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Service Request Aging Interval: This profile option is required to set the aging interval. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values:
1: If the profile option value is set to "1", the service requests are stored in form of buckets in database for each day.
2: If the profile option value is set to "2", the service requests are stored in form of buckets in database for every 2 days.
3: If the profile option value is set to "3", the service requests are stored in form of buckets in database for every 3 days.
Default Value: 1
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Scheduler Search Difference: This profile option is required to set the default scheduler difference while monitoring a job. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values: You can enter any numeric value.
Default Value: 7
The value is the difference between From Date and To date in Monitor Jobs screen.
This profile option value can be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Security Lock Duration(Min): This profile option is used to set a duration after which user can attempt to unlock the account after a number of negative attempts made by user. Account will be in locked state within the duration specified in the Current Value. Number of attempts is set using Security Lock Count profile option.
Current Value: Enter the duration (min) till which the account has to be in locked state after negative attempts.
Default Value: 30 Min
Note: This
profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Security Lock Count: This profile option is used to set number of negative attempts that can be made by a user to login into an account, and after which the account will be in locked state.
Current Value: set the number of negative attempts.
Default Value: 5
Note: This
profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Selfcare Home Page: This profile option is used to set a default self care home page to all the customers.
Current Value: From the drop-down select a screen name. The selected screen appears after the customers logs in to the self care application.
Default Value: NA
Note: This
profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Selfcare is External authentication required: This profile option is used to authenticate a self care user on an external system.
Current Value:
YES: Set the value to Yes to create user, to authenticate the user, to change password, and to check user availability in both external system and the application.
NO: Set the value to No to create user, to authenticate the user, to change password, and to check user availability in the application.
Default Value: No
Note: This
profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Selfcare Enabled: This profile option is set to enable/disable the feature to auto-generate User Id and Password for Selfcare users. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values:
YES: If this profile option value is set as "Yes" then User Id and Password is automatically generated in the system at the time of customer registration. This User Id and Password is communicated to the customer automatically through Email for Selfcare portal access.
NO: If this profile option value is set as "No", then Selfcare User Id and Password is not generated automatically in the system at the time of customer registration.
Default Value: Yes
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Current Value: In the 'Current Value' box, set the value to Default, Theme One, or Theme Two to change the themes.
Note: This profile option value cannot be
overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Set Operational Entity City as Default City: This profile option is used to set the operational entity's city as the default city. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values:
Yes: If the profile option value is set as "Yes", then the city which is mapped with the operational entity in Operational Entity screen appears in the address details in customer screen after you select the operational entity.
No: If the profile option value is set as "No", then the default city appears.
Default Value: No
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Set Operational Entity Country as Default County: This profile option is used to set the operational entity's country as the default city. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values:
Yes: If the profile option value is set as "Yes", then the country which is mapped with the operational entity in Operational Entity screen appears in the address details in customer screen after you select the operational entity.
No: If the profile option value is set as "No", then the default country appears.
Default Value: No
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Set Operational Entity State as Default State: This profile option is used to set the operational entity's state as the default state. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values:
Yes: If the profile option value is set as "Yes", then the state which is mapped with the operational entity in Operational Entity screen appears in the address details in customer screen after you select the operational entity.
No: If the profile option value is set as "No", then the default state appears.
Default Value: No
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Set Operational Entity District as Default District: This profile option is used to set the operational entity's district as the default district. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values:
Yes: If the profile option value is set as "Yes", then the district which is mapped with the operational entity in Operational Entity screen appears in the address details in customer screen after you select the operational entity.
No: If the profile option value is set as "No", then the default district appears.
Default Value: No
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Show Labels in Search Control: This profile option is used to display additional labels that are related to customer information. The details can be modified in the Address Format Screen.
Current Values:
Yes: If the profile option value is set to "Yes", you can view additional details of the customer such as such as Name, Operational Entity, Street, City, Zip-code, State.
No: If the profile option value is set as "No", additional information related to the customer is not displayed.
Default Value: No
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Send Email: This profile option is set for sending the auto-generated User Id and Password to the Selfcare user through email. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values:
Y (Yes): If this profile option value is set to "Y" then an Email alert is sent to the Selfcare user to inform him about the auto-generated User Id and Password.
N (No): If this profile option value is set to "N", then no email alert is sent.
Default Value: Y
The email alert is sent to the user if Self Care Enabled profile option value is set as YES.
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Send Userid Pwd Template: This profile option is required to select the message template for sending Emails to the Selfcare user in proper format. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values:
You can enter any Message Template Code name in Current Value field to apply the template while sending auto-generated User Id and Password to the Selfcare user through Emails..
Default Value: SendUserIdPassword
The message templates are defined in Message Configuration screen.
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Service Provider URL: This profile option is used to specify the URL to which the customer should be redirected after he logs out from the selfcare portal.
Current Value: In the 'Current Value' box, provide the URL, to which the customer should be redirected after he logs out from the selfcare portal.
Note: This profile option value
cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Current Values:
UNICODE: In the 'Current Value' box, enter the value as "UNICODE" to enable multi language for CSV reports. The reports are generated in UNICODE format.
ASCII: In the 'Current Value', enter the value as "ASCII" to generate reports in ASCII format. Multi language is not supported if the profile option value is set to ASCII.
Note: This
profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Transaction Search Period: This profile option is used to specify the duration of the search period for View Payments, View Credit/Debit Notes, View Refunds, and List of Bills screens.
Current Value: In the 'Current Value' box, specify the number.
For example: If the number 10 is specified as the current value and To date (SYSDATE) is 13/04/2011 (dd/mm/yyyy), the from date becomes 3/04/2011 in the applicable screens.
This profile option value can be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options
True Prepaid Grace Period Days: This profile option is used to provide the services to the customer if there is no sufficient true prepaid balance by specifying the number of days to extend the services.
Default Value: 0
Current Value: In the 'Current Value' box, specify the number.
This profile option value can be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options
User Control Search Count: This profile option is used to change the user team field from drop-down to search control.
Current Value: In the 'Current Value' box, specify the value. For example, if 10 is specified in the current value box, the user team field remains as a drop-down if the number of teams are less than 10. If the number of teams are equal or greater than 10 the user team field automatically changes to search control.
Note: This profile option value can be
overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Utility File Path:This profile option is used to specify the path of the dynamic link libraries (DLL) required for the application. The folder contains mainly the dlls required for scheduling the jobs, reports, and uploads are available in the specified path.
Current Value: Specify the path of the folder that contains the dlls.
This profile option value cannot be
overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User
Profile Options screen.
WebService - Validate User Credentials: This profile option is used to validate the user credentials; User ID and Password while processing the webservices.
Current Values:
Yes: This profile option value is set to 'Yes' to validate the credentials.
No: If this profile option value is set to 'No', then the system does not validate the user credentials while processing the webservices.
Default Value: No.
Note: This
profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
XSLT Folder Path: This profile option is used to specify the path where XSL files should be stored for different bulk uploads. These files are used to convert data into XML file.
Current Value: In the 'Current Value' box, specify the path where the XSL flles should be stored.
Note: This profile option value
can be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Current Value: In the 'Current Value' box, specify the URL location of the BI report database.
Note: This profile option value
can be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.