Material Requisition Note screen is used as a request for material from an operational entity to another operational entity. Any authorized user can enter the material requisition details into the system on behalf of the operational entity.
Later, any authorized user having the necessary privileges can select the inventory location from which the items should be sent. He can modify the item details, approve or reject the Requisition Note.
You can also view the existing material requisition notes through this screen.
To generate new material requisition note:
On the Inventory & Logistics module, click Requisition Note.
In the Requester drop-down, select the operational entity, which requested for the material. The Requester field box appears as a drop-down or a search lookup based on the value of the "Enable Entity Search" profile option.
If you are entering a new request, select the New check box next to the Requisition Number (#) field. The check box is selected, by default.
In the Request To drop down, select the operational entity from which you are requesting the material.
In the Date box, select the date on which the material is required. The Requisition Note Date shows the current date, by default.
Enter Notes, if any.
In the Inventory Location drop-down, the stock points (inventory locations) mapped to the selected operational entity (the one which is requesting the material) are displayed. Select the inventory location to which you want to move the requested stock. The Inventory Location drop-down appears only if the value of "Enable Stock Points" profile option is set to "Yes".
In the Required Items grid, click Add link to add a row where you can enter the item details.
In the Item drop-down, select the required item. The corresponding units for the item appear in the Units
Enter the Required Quantity and Approved Quantity. Repeat the process to request for multiple items.
Click the Save button to save the request details and generate a requisition number against the request.
To approve or cancel the request, enter the Requisition Number. The request detail appears in the screen with the PENDING status. Select the Approve or Cancel check box to approve or cancel the request respectively. The user name appears in the Approved/Canceled By field and the date appears in the Approved/Canceled On field automatically.
the Required Items grid,
click the symbol against an item. The item details
appear in edit mode. Enter Approved Quantity and click Update
Click the Save button to approve the material requisition note. The requisition status becomes CONFIRMED after approval.
To view any existing Requisition Note details, enter the Requisition Number in the given field. To view all the existing requisition note details, click the Search Lookup against the Requisition Number field. Enter the minimum required details in the searching fields and click the Search button. The details appear in Lookup Search pop up window. Select the Requisition Number link from the Search Results list in Lookup Search pop up window. The details appear in the main window.
Existing Material Requisition Note modification is allowed only if it is not Approved and in PENDING status.
You cannot modify requisition note until you capture the serial numbers, if serialized items are involved in Material Requisition Note
You can requisite PPC items also through this screen. PPC items requisition can be done only between internal entities.
Approve check box appears if the user does not have the privilege Auto Approve Material Requisition.