Homes passed screen is used to define and view homes that can be easily connected to the network.
To define Homes:
On Order Management module, click Homes Passed.
In New/Edit grid, enter home address details.
Select the Has Sub-Units check box to register the home address as an apartment, for example, if the address has different flats or homes in it, then this check box can be selected.
Click OtherInfo check box to select technologies available in the address.
Select the category from the given drop-down.
Click Save to save the address details.
To connect a Home:
In the Search of Homes Passed screen, enter address details. Click Search to retrieve homes based on the search criteria. In the Homes Passed Details grid, list of homes passed/connected with details like Address Info, City Info, Customer Info, and Status appear.
In the Action column, click Pick hyperlink to redirect to Customer screen to register a new customer and attach the home address. Click Edit hyperlink to edit the address in New/Edit panel. Click History hyperlink to view history of the customers who stayed in the home in Homes Passed History web page dialog box like Customer # , Name, From Date, and To Date. Click Plans hyperlink to view the available plans and their pricing in Plans web page dialog box.
In the Customer Info column, enter the customer number against the address you want to attach for the customer and click Attach hyperlink.
Click Customers hyperlink to view the attached customers and their details in Customer Details web page dialog box. All the attached customers with details like customer number, name, lane, and additional information is displayed. To refine the attached customers, enter lane in the provided box and click Search to retrieve attached customers based on the lane data provided.
In the Customer Info column, Click Detach hyperlink to view the attached customers with details like customer number and customer name in a web page dialog box. To refine the attached customers, provide customer number in the provided Customer # box and click search. Click Detach against the customer number, which you want to detach from the address.
Click Technologies hyperlink to select the applicable technologies for the home.
to provide notes in Notes
webpage dialog box.
Click Save to save the details.
To relocate a customer:
In the Search of Homes Passed screen, enter address details. Click Search to retrieve homes based on the search criteria. In the Homes Passed Details grid, list of homes passed/connected with details like Address Info, City Info, Customer Info, and Status appear.
In the Customer Info box, provide the customer number.
Click Relocate; click Ok in the confirmation dialog box to navigate to Relocate screen, where you can relocate the customer.
In the Effective Date box, select the date on which you want to relocate the customer. The customer will be relocated to the new address from the effective date.
Modify other details, if required.
Click Save to relocate the customer.