Package Groups

Package Group screen helps to define the package groups in the system. This screen also allows you to modify the existing package groups by adding or removing the packages in the group.

To define a package group:

  1. On the System Administration module, click Order Management, and then click Package Groups.

  2. In the Group Code and the Description box, type the code and the description of the package group respectively.

  3. In List of Packages Available list box, select the check box against the required packages to be grouped. Click right arrow button to move the package to Packages In Group list box. The packages that are placed in this list box are grouped.

  4. Click the Save button to create the package group and save the details.

To modify an existing package group details:

  1. In the Group Code box, type the group code, which you want to modify. You can also click to browse for a package group. The packages available in the group appear on the screen.

  2. Modify the details by adding more packages to the group or removing the existing packages.

  3. Click the Save button to apply the modifications.