Customer Hardware screen helps to capture the details of hardware items possessed by the customer before taking the service. A customer can use his own existing hardware to avail the new services.
To capture owned hardware details:
On the Order Management module, click Customer Hardware.
Retrieve details of the customer. The Customer Name and Address details appear in the screen.
In the Hardware Details grid, click the Add link to add a new row. Select the item form the drop-down.
Enter serial number of the respective item under Serial Number column.
Enter Provisioning Attribute of the item under the respective column. Provisioning attribute is a unique ID assigned to the serialized items. Only provision able attribute of an item is sent to the provisioning entity for activating the signals.
In the Version No. box, provide the version number of the hardware.
Repeat the above procedure to capture multiple item details.
Click the Save button to save the customer hardware details.
modify an existing hardware details, click icon
against the item you want to modify.
Modify the required details and click Save to apply the modifications.