
Layout screen helps you to create different layouts by configuring various fields, which will be displayed in the screens that support field configuration.

To create a layout:

  1. On System Administration menu, point to Basic Configurations, point to Field Configuration, and click Layout.

  2. In the Layout Code text box, enter the layout code.

  3.  In the Screen Name drop-down, select the screen from the available list for which you want to configure the field details. When the screen is selected, then the list of fields available in that particular screen will be displayed in the grid below.

  4. In the Layout Description text box, enter the description of the layout.

  5. In the grid below, click icon against the field description to modify the field details.

  6. In the Field Description drop-down, select the field name.

  7. Select Is Visible check box to make the field visible in the screen.

Note: For Layout Code "Default-0", Select Is Visible check box of Available Credit to display available credit limit for all the external operational entities in the respective screens.

  1. Select Is Mandatory check box to mark the field as mandatory.

  1. Select Is Readonly check box to make the field as ready only.

Note: A Read only input field cannot be modified

  1. In the Display Order column, click icon to move the selected field down one position or click icon to move the selected field up one position.

  2. In the Section drop-down, select the section where you want to display the field.

  3. Click Save to save the details.

Note: The fields marked with (*) are mandatory.

To modify the layout details:

  1. In the Layout screen, enter the layout code or click icon to search for the existing layout code. In the search pop-up window, enter the minimum required details and click Search button. Select the required layout code.

  2. The details of the layout code are displayed in the grid below.

  3. Click icon against the field description to modify the field details.

  4. Modify the required details and click icon or Update button to update the modified details.

  5. Click Save button to save the modified details.