Field Configuration

Some of the screens in the application may have few unusable fields which are not required at the time of doing the transactions. To meet the business requirement, field configuration is required to add the fields in the screens for which information is necessary to be captured and remove the unusable fields.

Apart from field visibility, you can also set other properties like, display order, mandatory or not etc.

The fields available in the following screens can be configured.

Depending on the business requirement, you can add/remove fields in the above screens to capture the relevant details.

How to Configure fields in a screen:

  1. On the System Administration module, click Basic Configurations, and then click Field Configuration.

  2. In the Screen Name drop-down, select the screen for which you want to configure the fields.

  3. The fields, which can be configured appear on the screen with details like Field description, visibility, optional/mandatory, display order, and is default.

  4. Click the edit cion against the field you want to configure.

  5. Modify the required details and click icon. Repeat the process to configure other fields.

  6. Click Save to save the configured fields.

Field Details

Whenever user clicks on the above screens, fields marked as "visible" will be displayed on the screen in a proper order set at the time of configuration.