Through material requisition process, an authorized user requests the inventory location for materials on behalf of the operational entity.
A request note called as Material Requisition Note (MQN) is initiated by the operational entity to request the inventory location for delivery of materials. A MQN usually includes the sourcing and purchasing agent names, requested dates, required item names, quantities and the reason for every requisition (like stocking up for anticipated business, for issue against current contracts etc.).
Following three different activities are involved in material requisition process:
Generating material request by the operational entity to the inventory location through Material Requisition Note
Distributing or issuing materials from inventory location to the operational entity through Material Issue Note
Receiving materials against such issues through Material Receipt Note.
Only an authorized user at an inventory location who has privilege to receive material from the inventory locations enters Material Requisition Note.
Supplier cannot issue material to dealer location or distributor location, as system dose not consider these as inventory locations.