Account summary screen is used to retrieve summary of all financial transactions of a customer or operational entity for a given period.
To view accounts related information:
On the Accounts module, click Account Summary.
Retrieve customer or operational entity details. The corresponding details appear on the screen.
Note: Available credit balance is displayed
only for external operational entities when Is Visible check box is selected
in Layout screen.
Select the dates in From Date and To Date fields to specify the period for which account summary should be extracted.
Click the Search button to view the transaction details like Transaction Date, Document Type, Document Number, Date, Notes, Debit and Credit details, opening balance, and closing balance.
Click Document Number link to view the bill in detail in View Bill web page dialog box. The details like Bill Date, Bill Number, Bill Period are displayed. The total bill amount including charges, discounts, adjustments, and taxes are also displayed. It also displays the charge level billing.