WorkOrder Comment

Work Order Comment screen is used to define work order comments and also helps you to map the defined comments with work order problems.

Follow these steps:

  1. On the System Administration module, click Customer Care, and then click WorkOrder Comment.

  2. Enter the Comment Code and Description in the respective text boxes.

  3. In the Status drop-down, select the status as Active or Inactive to make the work order comment active or inactive respectively.

  4. In the WorkOrder Problem panel, select the check box against the code you want to map with the work order comment.

Note: Select the check box against the Code header to map the comment with all the work order problems.

  1. Click Save to save the work order comment and mapping details.

To modify an existing work order comment and mapping details:

  1. In the Comment Code box, type the work order comment code. You can also click to browse for a comment code. Click the code link which you want to modify.

The corresponding details appear in the main window.

  1. Modify the required details and click Save to apply the modifications.

Note: The comment codes are displayed in Comment drop-down of Work Order screen.