The following profile options are available in Voucher Management module:
The profile options are explained in detail.
Voucher File Path: This profile option is used to specify the path where the vouchers are generated. In Voucher Approval screen, the vouchers generated are exported to a file. The files are generated at the path mentioned in this profile option. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values: Specify the path to generate the voucher files.
Default Value: C:\Program Files\MQ\MQSuperScheduler
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Voucher Generation Class: This profile option is used to specify the type of generating voucher hidden numbers. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values:
MQSVoucherGeneration: If MQSVoucherGeneration is selected, voucher hidden numbers are generated based on the normal algorithm.
NGBVoucherGeneration: If NGBVoucherGeneration is selected, the voucher hidden numbers are generated using a different algorithm.
Default Value: C:\Program Files\MQ\MQSuperScheduler
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.