The following options are available in Billing module
The profile options are explained in detail.
Account Transfer - Disconnection Credit Rule: This profile option is required to transfer balance to the transferer. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values:
No Disconnection Credit: No credit is given to the transferer.
Exact Usage: Credit is given to the transferer based on the days the service has been used. Remaining days disconnection credit will be given back.
Custom Rule : Credit is given to the transferer based on customization.
Default Value: No Disconnection Credit
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Allow Payments and Adjustments towards Child Account: This profile option is required to allow payments and adjustments towards child account at account level. Adjustments like Credit note and debit note can be done towards the child account if this profile option is set to true. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values:
Yes: If this profile option value is set as Yes then adjustments (credit note and debit note) and payments can be done at account level.
No: If this profile option value is set as No then payments and adjustments are not allowed for the child account at account level.
Default Value: No
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Amount Includes Tax: This profile option is used to display price inclusive of tax in applicable screens such as List of Bills, Credit Note, Debit Note, and Account Summary.
Current Values:
Y( Yes): This profile option value is set to 'Y' to display the price inclusive of tax in applicable screens.
N (No): If this profile option value is set to 'N', then the price and tax are displayed separately.
Default Value: N.
Note: This
profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Current Values:
Yes: This profile option value is set to 'Yes' to provide exact disconnection credit if the price is changed from adhoc pricing screen
No: If this profile option value is set to 'No', then the disconnection credit will not be provided.
Default Value: Yes.
Note: This
profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Bill Till End of Current Payterm for Change Order: This profile option is used to generate bill for the current payterm when a change order is processed.
Current Values:
Yes: This profile option value is set to 'Yes' to generate bill for the current payterm, when a change order is processed.
No: If this profile option is set to 'No', then the bill will be generated based on the previous order billing period.
Default Value: No.
Note: This
profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Enable Consolidated Priceline: This profile option is used to generate a bill for all individual services as a single priceline.
Current Values:
Yes: set the value as 'Yes' to generate a bill for all the individual services as a single priceline.
No:set to 'No', then the priceline will be displayed for each individual services.
Default Value: No
Note: This
profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Enable Tax Aggregation: This profile option is used to calculate tax based on aggregation of charges, which are having same definition.
Current Values:
Yes: This profile option value is set to 'Yes' to calculate tax based on aggregation of charges, which are having same definition.
No: This profile option value is set to 'No' to calculate tax separately for each charge.
Default Value: No.
Note: Aggregation
is possible only if tax rate, tax code, tax type, and charge component
are same.
For example,
Case I:
if a plan has two services S1 and S2, and one tax T1 defined as the following:
S1 - Rs.105,which has tax T1 - 10%
S2 - Rs.155,which has tax T1 - 10%
If the Enable Tax Aggregation profile option value is set to Yes , then in the invoice, charges / taxes will appear as the following:
S1 – Rs.105
S2 – Rs.155
Tax – Rs.26 ( Calculated as 10 % of (105 + 155))
Case II:
If a plan has three services S1, S2, and S3, and taxes defined as the following:
S1 - Rs.105, which has tax T1 - 10%
S2 - Rs.155, which has tax T1 - 10%
S3 - Rs.100, which has tax T2 - 15%
If the Enable Tax Aggregation profile option value is set to Yes, the in the invoice, charges/taxes will appear as the following:
S1 - Rs.105
S2 - Rs.155
Tax - Rs.26 (calculated as 10% of(105 + 155))
S3 - Rs.100
Tax - Rs.15 (calculated as 15 % of 100)
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
External Tax Integration Required: This profile option is used to raise invoice when customer integrates with external taxation systems.
Current Values:
Yes:This profile option value is set as 'Yes' to raise the invoices or any of the tax to be configured as external system. In this case, the external system is providing tax amounts for all the applicable taxes.
Default Value: No.
Note: This profile option value
cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Generate Full Month Charge Even After Disconnection of NODC: This profile option is used to decide whether Disconnected Credit should be give to the Customer or not when he has disconnected the plan which is configured with prorata rule as Full month and DC rule as NODC.
Current Values:
Yes: If the values is set to Yes, Disconnection Credit is not given to that customer.
No: If the value is set to NO ,then Disconnection Credit will be passed for the remaining period even the rule is NODC.
Default Value: No.
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user
in View/Modify User
Profile Options screen.
Generate Zero Value Charge: This profile option is used to generate charges for zero pricing services. This profile option is also applicable for 'Custom Prorata' rule.
Current Values:
Yes: This profile option value is set to 'Yes' to generate charges for the services whose pricing is changed to zero through adhoc pricing screen.
No: If this profile option value is set to 'No', then the charges will not generated for the zero charge services.
The services whose pricing is changed
to zero through adhoc pricing screen will only be considered. This
profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Current Value: In the 'Current Value' box, specify the maximum number of vacation days. Based on the value, the system validates when a customer opts for vacation feature.
Note: This
profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Minimum Vacation Days: This profile option value is used to set the minimum number of vacation days.
Current Value: In the 'Current Value' box, specify the minimum number of vacation days. Based on the value, the system validates when a customer opts for vacation feature.
Note: This
profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Month Definition: This profile option is required to set number of days in a standard month in the application for daily price calculation. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values:
CALDAYS: If this profile option value is set as " CALDAYS" then prorata amount is calculated based on the total no of calendar days available in the corresponding month.
30 DAYS: If this profile option value is set as "30 Days", then prorata amount is calculated for 30 days as standard.
Default Value: CALDAYS
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Invoice Generation Rule: This profile option allows you to generate separate invoices for different contracts based on the billing period. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values:
Billing Period - wise Invoice: If the profile option value is set to "Billing Period - Wise Invoice", the invoice is generated separately for every billing period.
For example: If a customer has a contract with one month billing frequency and the bill is generated for three months. Separate bills are generated for every month.
Consolidated Invoice: If the profile option value is set to "Consolidated Invoice", the a single invoice is generated.
For example: if a customer has a contract with one month billing frequency and the bill is generated for three months, then a single invoice is generated for the three months.
Default Value: Billing Period - wise Invoice
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Invoice PDF File Path: This profile option is used to set the path for the generated invoices. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values: Specify the path where you want to store the generated invoices.
Default Value: C:\INVOICEPDF
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Prorata Inclusive: This profile option is required to generate invoice including the prorata or excluding it in the billing frequency. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values:
Yes: If this profile option value is set as Yes then invoice is generated including the prorata. Example: A customer has registered for services on 15th of June. Billing frequency for the service is 3 months. If the profile option is set as Yes then invoice is generated from 15th of June to 31st of August.
No: If this profile option value is set as No then invoice is generated excluding prorata. Example:A customer has registered for services on 15th of June. Billing frequency for the service is 3 months. If the profile option is set to No then invoice is generated from 15th of June to 30th of September.
Default Value: No
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Regenerate Cancelled Invoice: This profile option is used to regenerate invoice for the cancelled invoice.
Current Values:
Yes: If the profile option is set to "Yes" then invoice is regenerated for cancelled invoice.
No: If the profile option is set to "No" then regeneration is skipped.
Default Value: Yes
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Required Prorata Flat Discount: This profile option is used to prorate the flat discount , if it is not applied on complete month charge.
Current Values:
Yes: If the profile option is set to "Yes" then flat discount has to be prorated if the charge is not for full month.
No: If the profile option is set to "No" then normal discount is applied on applicable charges.
Default Value: No
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Requires Custom Bill Number: This profile option is used to customize the bill number. In the custom procedure, CUSTOM_INVOICENBR , you can write the logic to generate the customized bill number. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values:
Yes: If the profile option is set to "Yes" then you can generate a custom bill number.
No: If the profile option is set to "No" then the bill number is system generated.
Default Value: No
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Revenue Recognition Interval: This profile option is used to recognize revenue for a specified time interval. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values:
Month: If the profile option is set to "MONTH" then revenue is recognized monthly.
Day: If the profile option is set to "DAY" then revenue is recognized daily.
Accounting Period: If the profile option is set to "ACCOUNTING PERIOD" then revenue is recognized accounting period wise.
Default Value: MONTH
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.
Tax on Invoice Date: This profile option is used to generate invoice based on the tax specified on the date on which the invoice is generated or the tax specified at the time of ordering.
Current Values:
True: If this profile option value is set to 'True', then the invoice will be generated based on the tax specified on the invoice date irrespective of the tax specified at the time of ordering.
False: If this profile option value is set to 'False', then the invoice will be generated based on the tax specified at the time of ordering irrespective of the tax specified on the date on which the invoice is generated.
Default Value: False.
Note: This
profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
SOA File Path: This profile option is used to set the Path to store the SOA pdf files generated from the Generate Multiple pdf's for SOA. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values: Mention the path to store the SOA pdf files.
Default Values: C:\SOA
This profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options screen.