Dash Board

Dashboard screen helps the management to view the reports related to Orders, Customer Care, and Finance. The jobs Generate Orders Reports, Generate Customer Care Reports, and Generate Finance Reports should be run to get the latest data in dashboard.

To view Dashboard:

  1. On the System Administration module, click Dashboard.

  2. The reports appear. The default module reports displayed depends on the value given in Default Report Module profile option.

  3. You can view reports for specified period. Select the period for which you want to view the reports by selecting date in From and To boxes.

  4. Click on the months to view reports for the particular month.

  5. Click on the arrows against the year to change the year for which you want to view the report.

  6. Click on module name to view the related reports.

Customer Care:

Following are the reports displayed in customer care.


Following are the reports displayed in Customer module.


Following are the reports displayed in the Orders module.


The following reports are displayed in finance module.