Provisioning System

Provisioning System screen helps you to define new provisioning system.

To define provisioning system:

  1. On the System Administration module, click Provisioning, and then click Provisioning System.

  2. Enter Provisioning System Code and Description in the respective fields.

  3. Select the Renewal check box if the services defined under the provisioning system should be renewed periodically after being expired.

  4. Depending on the requirement, select Renewal Period Type as Day, Month, or Year from the drop-down.

  5. Enter Renewal Period in the given field.

  6. Select the Notify On Topup check box to inform the external system about the usage limit added.

  7. Select the Date Driven checkbox to send created date and expiry date to the External Provisioning System.

  8. Select Purge For Reuse checkbox to delete the customer's request in case if the same hardware is allocated to two users.

  9. Select Multiple Family Request Required checkbox to generate SetFamily provisioning requests for each family services. If this checkbox is not selected, then one SetFamily provisioning request action will be generated for all the family services.

  10. In the Provisioning System Time Zone drop down, select the time zone of the provisioning system.

  11. In Max Number of Services in a Request text box,  enter number of services to generate multiple requests based on service count. For example, if you enter 190 number of services and the order is booked with 250 services, then the system generates two requests with active product list action. One request carries 190 services and the other request carries 60 services.

  1. Click the Save button to save the provisioning system details.
