A Quotation is an estimate price for the required product and service for the customer. Quotes are provided to opportunities. Through Quotation screen, you can add or modify the quotations for opportunity. It also allows you to view the summary details of the quotation.
To add quotations:
On Sales CRM menu, click Add/Modify Quotation.
Customer # and Opportunity
Name. Else you can click
icon to search for the existing
customer # or opportunity name.
Click Add/Modify tab to add or modify the quotation.
For new quotation, the New check box against the Version will be selected, by default..
In the Subject text box, enter the description of the quotation.
Note: When adding new quotation, the Status text box will be disabled.
In Stage drop-down, select the quotation stage such as New, Accepted, or Rejected.
Click against Sales Man to
browse for the sales representative name.
In Sales Rep. Contact# text box, enter the sales representative contact number.
In the Billing Frequency drop-down, select the periodic interval to create billing invoice for a customer.
In Valid Til,enter the duration for which the quotation is valid.
In Subscription Price Details section, click Add/Modify Products to add the products that are available in the catalog for which the quote is created.
the Add/Modify Products popup screen, click
icon to expand the Product
List search panel and type in at least one character of the Product
Name or Product Code to search for the desired product and choose
it from the drop-down. The only way to add products is by choosing
them from the drop-down. You cannot add them otherwise.
The respective product names are displayed below. Select the checkbox against the product name. Once you have chosen the product names, all the product details (such as product validity, quantity, list price (per unit), sale price (per unit), Discount, total price, total discount, and net price) will be populated automatically.
To add multiple products from multiple plans, repeat step 12-13.
You can add the details such as product validity, desired quantity you want to quote, Sale Price (per unit), additional discount amount, and discount type against the product in ‘Add/Modify Products for Opportunity’ pop-up window.
The Total Order Price, Total Discount Value, and Order Net Price are displayed below.
Click Save and Close button to save and go back to the main screen.
In One Time Price Details, click Add to add the item details. A new row appears.
Select the Item Name from the drop-down.
Enter Quantity you want to quote in Quantity box.
Price is automatically updated in List Price (Per Unit), Sales Price (Per Unit), and Total Price text boxes.
Click icon to update the details.
Select Approve check box to approve the quotation.
Note: If the Approve check box is selected and the quotation details are saved, then the quotation status will be marked as ‘Approved’. Else, if the Approve check box is cleared, then the quotation status will be marked as ‘Pending’.
Click Save.
A Quotation # and new Version number of the quote are generated as shown in the above screen shot.
Click Print to the print the quotation details as shown in the screen below.
Note: The initial version number will always be 1. If the customer decides to make changes to quotations or quote for new products and saves the changes, then a new version of the Quote is created where the version number increments by one.
After adding the quotations for the product, you can view the quotation summary details by clicking on Summary tab as shown in the screen shot below.
Note: You can view quotation summary based on the selected quotation version. For example, in ‘Add/Modify’ tab, select the version for which you want to view the summary details and then click ‘Summary’ tab to view the details.
After changing the quotation stage to ‘Accepted’, enter the Effective From Date and Notes for quotation. (see screen shot below)
On saving the details with quotation stage as ‘Accepted’, the opportunity stage value automatically changes to ‘Won’ in Opportunity screen as shown in the screen shot below.
Note: In Discount (per Unit) field (in Add/Modify product pop-up screen), the third list box displays the customer’s currency symbol (e.g., RS for rupee or DS for Dollar) for the discount type ‘Rebate’.
You can generate quotations based on the products (only services and not service groups) that service provider offer.
Use subscription price details grid to add the entire products list along with its list price.
You can add multiple products from multiple plans
Provision for entering sale price, discount while preparing quotes.
Based upon the billing frequency, the validity period of product will be applied. For example, if the billing frequency is for ‘one month’ and the products are added to quote, then product validity period will be displayed as ‘one month’ . You can modify the validity of the product to greater or equal to billing frequency, if required.
Based on product validity period, contracts will be generated.
For instance: products p1, p3, and p5 are quoted with 3 months validity and product p2 and p4 are quoted with 6 months validity. On accepting this quotation, two contracts will be generated (i.e., one contract which includes p1,p3, p5 with 3 months validity and other contract including p2 and p4 with 6 months validity
Product price can be overridden but discounts cannot be overridden.
You can create multiple quotes under a single opportunity.
You can only modify the quotation details that are in New stage.
when quotation status is approved and quotation stage is marked as Accepted, then opportunity stage value automatically changes to ‘Won’ in Opportunity screen
For an opportunity with multiple quotations, if any one of the quotation stage is accepted, then the opportunity stage is WON and the remaining quotations become invalid.
If you reject the quotation, then you have to manually change the opportunity stage value to ‘Lost’ in Opportunity screen.
On accepting the quotation, a contract will be created for the customer.