Monitor Jobs

Jobs that are already scheduled can be monitored in Monitor Jobs screen. Status of the scheduled jobs and the output files including run details, run instances, schedule summary can be seen through this screen.

Jobs can also be modified, cancelled or stopped abruptly, if they are running.

To monitor jobs:

  1. On the Jobs module, click Monitor Job.

  2. You can retrieve jobs that are already scheduled based on scheduled period, job category, program, Status and User or combination of any. Enter the most appropriate search criteria in the above related fields. These fields work like filters to search a job.

  3. Select Created Schedules check box to retrieve jobs which are scheduled earlier but are in process within the scheduled period.

  4. Click the Search button. Based on the specified filters, the jobs list along schedule details appear under Scheduled Jobs tab.

  5. The current load on the selected application server is displayed on the screen like number of uploads being uploaded, number of reports being generated, number of batch jobs running, number of other jobs running, and number of custom jobs running.

  6. The Run Jobs tab is displayed by default. The jobs that are running at present are displayed with details like Job name, stage, running on, schedule name, process ID, expected time, and failed count. Click Refresh to refresh the running job details.

  7. Click the Stop link to stop running the job.

  8. Click the Jobs tab to view all the scheduled jobs with details like job name, last run time, next run time, number of times the job is scheduled, user, and last run output.

  9. Click the Job name to open Schedule Details window, which displays the job details.

  10. Select the option button next to a job and click Edit link to edit the job details in Schedule job screen.

  11. Jobs that are in running status can be stopped abruptly and jobs that are in scheduled status can be cancelled through this screen. Click Delete or Disable links to delete or disable the scheduled job.

  12. Select a job and click Run History tab to view the history of the job like job name, status, output file, log file, failure file, run time, run duration, percentage completed, Email status, and FTP status.

  13. Click the job name link to view the schedule details, frequency details, and parameter details of the corresponding job in Schedule Details pop up window.

  14. Click the Run Jobs tab to view the details of first run instance of the job. In Run Details box you can view the Job Name, Run ID, Job Name, Run Time, Output File, Log File, Run Status, Outcome, Run Duration,  % Completed (completion percentage), Email Status, FTP Status, and Failure File is displayed.

  15. Click the Output File link to view the job output file. If any job fails, then click the Log File link to view the error log.