Some processes can be executed in sequence for a batch of subscriber. Such processes are called as batch jobs. Batch Definition screen is used to define batches in the system.
Batches are designed to generate inputs to a process for execution. Generally, a batch is defined with base SQL. Depending on defined SQL the input like bunch of Customer ID or Contact Number are returned for the respective process.
To define batches:
On the Jobs module, click Batch Definition.
In View Batch screen, you can view the existing batches.
Click Add Batch link to navigate to Add Batch screen where you can define new batches.
Enter Batch Name and Description.
Enter base SQL in sql field.
In Attribute Details table, click Add link to add required attributes.
Select the required check box(es) in Program table to associate the batch with the program. While defining batches, atleast one program must be selected for associating a batch with a process.
Click the Save button to create the batch.
To modify an existing batch, click Edit link against the batch in View Batch screen. The screen navigates to Edit Batch Master screen where you can modify the Batch Description and Program. Click the Save button to apply the modification.
To delete an existing batch, click Delete link against the batch in View Batch screen.
Note: Batches
can be defined based on the values. These values are provided dynamically
to the base SQL through attributes like Customer ID, City, District, District,
State, Region, and Country.