Collections stage is a relative position to which customer contracts are moved for a temporary period. Based on the stage, the subscription status of a customer can be realized.
Generally, Admin user can set stages keeping an eye on the organization's prior experience with the customer's payment profile. Each stage is configured and mapped with single or multiple predefined actions. Such actions are taken place in a certain order, over a period of time.
During the course of collections, multiple events are scheduled that results in moving the customer contracts to various collection stages. When a contract is moved to such stages, the corresponding actions are taken place.
If the contract is moved to certain stage for which provisioning action is mapped, provisioning request is generated towards such movement. Provision is also given to send reminder OSD messages or STB mails intimating the customer about the payment due. On confirmation, the contract status is changed and services are terminated/suspended/reactivated accordingly.
When a customer pays the due amount, his contract is moved back to the normal stage (to original ACTIVE status). On moving back, some of the actions like Disconnection, Bill Suppress etc. are reversed.
For Example:
Collection stages can be set as, Stage1, Stage2, so on.
Let's assume following collection stages and corresponding actions are configured in the system:
Collections Stage Name |
Corresponding status of the Agreements |
Corresponding Actions to be taken |
Stage 1 |
Defaulted status |
Action1: Send Reminder Request through Email and STB Mail Action2: Give reminder phone call |
Stage 2 |
Suspend status |
Action1: Late Penalty Charge Action2: Suspend Provisioning Action3: Hold Bill |
If a customer in ACTIVE status is moved to Stage 1 then the corresponding actions are taken place:
Reminder requests may be sent to the customer Email ID and Set Top Box.
Another phone call may be given informing him about the last date of payment.
This stage results in moving the contract from Active to Defaulted status.
Later if the contract is moved from Stage 1 to Stage 2 then the corresponding actions are taken place:
Late penalty charges may be imposed towards the late payment.
Suspend provisioning request may be generated for suspending the services.
Bill suppress activity may be taken place to stop billing the customer while the customer is in suspend status.
This stage results in moving the customer from Defaulted to Suspend status.
If the customer pays the due amount in between any stage, then his contract is reactivated and moved back to the ACTIVE status. On moving back, the bill suppress action is reversed and bill generation process is enabled again.
Note: Various Message Templates are be defined
in the system for sending customized mails to the customer.